My Greatest Child has been around for almost a decade now, which means it has survived the emergence of fancy gadgets and distracting social media apps.
The store’s mission is to promote reading to children of all ages by selling books and other educational materials at affordable prices. Much of the books and stationery that they sell at My Greatest Child are imported from Australia, United Kingdom, and the United States.
My Greatest Child is one of the biggest bookstores in Singapore, boasting of more than 1,000 titles in the children’s section alone. This selection is comprised of colorful picture books, early readers, young adult literature, and various reference titles. MGC’s book fairs are well-anticipated because of the huge price drop that readers enjoy.
Monday to Friday: 11:00 – 22:00
Weekends: 10:00 – 22:00
City Square Mall #B2-03
180 Kitchener Road, Singapore 208539
PHONE: 6509 8921