Can foreigners buy property in Singapore?

Min Wong, Meet Min Wong, a dynamic and creative writer with a passion for exploring and reviewing established businesses in Singapore. Known for her engaging and insightful writing style, Min brings each business to life with her vivid descriptions and honest reviews. Her love for writing and keen eye for detail ensure that readers get a comprehensive and enjoyable perspective on the best that Singapore's business scene has to offer.
Answered October 23, 2017

Yes, foreigners can buy property in Singapore, but with certain restrictions.

Only Singapore nationals and permanent residents can avail of the subsidized housing by the Housing & Development Board (HBD).

HDB flats are government-subsidized housing units that are sold by the Housing & Development Board to the public under a 99-year lease agreement. Buyers can also avail of resale flats that are sold by previous owners that have met the Minimum Occupation Period. Prices of resale flats are not regulated by HBD.

Foreigners can own private apartment or condominium units as much as they can afford. There is no limit in the quantity of private apartments and condominiums that a foreigner can buy.

A condominium, also known as condo, is a residential unit that is within a building or a complex of buildings. Each condo unit is individually owned but unit owners share common areas within the building or complex like recreational facilities and laundry room. It is much like an apartment building except units are owned outright and not rented.

Permanent residents can buy a subsidized executive condominium, also known as semi-privatized executive condominium, 5 years after the building is completed. Foreigners can buy the same after 10 years.

Government approval is needed for foreigners to own landed residential properties like terrace houses and bungalows. The foreigner applicant must have an adequate economic contribution to Singapore. Interested foreigners may apply through the Singapore Land Authority.

There are no restrictions for foreigners who want to buy commercial properties in Singapore. These commercial properties include shops, offices, hotels, warehouses, factories, and shopping malls.

Some useful links

Housing & Development Board –

Singapore Land Authority –

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