
  • Best for
    Long-term nanny service
  • Establishment
  • Where
    • Child's home
    • Nanny's home
  • When
    • Daytime
    • Overnight
  • Rates
    From S$800/month
  • Category
  • Address
    151 Chin Swee Road, Manhattan House, Singapore 169876
  • Phone
    +65 9747 2405
  • Opening hours
    Daily 09:00 - 21:00
  • Website
  • Email
  • BBNanny is a leading childcare referral company that was founded in 2006.

    Whether you are looking for a long-term nanny or a temporary babysitter, BBNanny has just the right pick for you from its over 1,000 childcare specialists on its database.


    • Nannies are thoroughly screened: All nannies at BBNanny are interviewed face-to-face prior to employment. They also undergo a thorough background check to ensure trustworthiness and for the employer’s peace of mind.
    • Experienced nannies and babysitters: All nannies for hire at BBNanny have ample experience in child care. This is a minimum requirement before employment by the company.
    • Nannies are assigned according to your area: Proximity is one of the considerations when assigning a nanny for you. Whenever possible, BBNanny matches you with a nanny who lives within walking distance from your place for convenient drop-off and pick-up.
    • Years of building relationships: BBNanny has a good track record of long-term employer and nanny relationships. Most of the current employers have been working with their nannies for at least 1 year. Some employers even consider their nannies as a part of their families!
    • Long-operating office hours: BBNanny opens its door every day from 9 am to 9 pm, giving more hours for busy working parents to engage a service.


    • Basic child care
    • Cook meals for babies
    • Wash baby clothes, etc.


    • Babysitting at babysitter’s house
    • Babysitting at employer’s house
    • Ad hoc service
    • Part-time service


    1. Babysitting at babysitter’s home:

    • 5 days a week: From S$800/month
    • 5 ½ days a week (alternate Saturdays): From S$1,000/month
    • 5 ½ days a week (every Saturday): From S$1,100/month
    • 24 hours: From S$1,300

    2. Babysitting at child’s home: From S$2,000 (5 days a week)

    4.8 (428 Votes)

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