Dato Photograph

Dato Photograph
Dato Photograph
Image: Dato Photograph
  • Best for
    Corporate headshot & outdoor photoshoot
  • Experience
    >15 years
  • Address
    - Address 1: 12 Arumugam Road, Singapore 409958
    - Address 2: 115C Canberra Walk, Singapore 753115
  • Phone
    +65 9484 4344
  • Website
  • Email
  • WhatsApp
    Chat on WhatsApp
  • Dato Photograph has been offering various photography services in Singapore for the past 15 years. Their corporate photography service is one of the most reasonably priced in the market.

    The company was established by a group of professional photographers who have varied experiences in photography, modeling, magazine publishing, and event organizing, among others.


    • Dato Photograph has worked with popular magazines including the corporate magazine, AsiaX.
    • The studio offers unlimited shots taken during the shoot.
    • You have the option of choosing their free accessories and concept costumes if needed.
    • Dato Photograph provides free transportation for location shoots.


    • Passport Photo
    • Corporate Headshot
    • Location or Outdoor Photoshoot


    • Peter Lee
    • Anthony We
    • Jon Li


    Passport photo: S$49

    • 1 outfit and 1 white backdrop
    • 1 high-resolution photo editing
    • Unlimited photos taken

    Corporate Headshot: S$99

    • 1 outfit and 1 backdrop color
    • 2 high-resolution photo editing
    • Unlimited photos taken

    Corporate Package A: S$299

    • 1 outfit and 1 backdrop color
    • Headshot, Half body, Full body
    • 5 high-resolution photo editing
    • Unlimited photos taken

    Corporate Package B: S$499

    • 2 outfits and 2 backdrop color
    • Headshot, Half body, Full body
    • 12 high-resolution photo editing
    • Unlimited photos taken

    Location/Outdoor A: S$399

    • 1 outfit and 1 location
    • Headshot, Half body, Full body
    • 5 high-resolution photo editing
    • Unlimited photos taken

    Location/Outdoor B: S$599

    • 2 outfits and 1 location
    • Headshot, Half body, Full body
    • 12 high-resolution photo editing
    • Unlimited photos taken

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    Best corporate photography

    Professional Services