Hands@Windows Servicing
Written by
Aimee Lam | September 30, 2024
Image: Hands@Windows Servicing
Hands@Windows Servicing probably maintains all the services that you may ever require when it comes to windows repair. Whether it is windows handle, glass, locks, hinges, they may have a solution for you.
The expert crew at Hands@Windows Servicing may also assist you in assessing all your windows to ensure safety. They will offer comprehensive evaluation along with a solution, which will add years to your windows’ life.
The company critically focus on the staff’s training and development for both functional skills and safety of the process. With these standards, they have a reputed name in the market and have established thousands of satisfied customer in Singapore.
- Hands@Windows Servicing is an approved repair service provider and the whole staff is BCA trained and HDB certified.
- Unlike other service providers who have a diverted focus on additional repair and installation services, they are specialised and highly skilled in windows repairs.
- Hands@Windows offer window safety check to ensure that your windows are safe and out of any possible damage in future.
- Window handle replace
- Window handle lock wedge replace
- Window flush bolt lever replace
- Window friction stay (hinges, arm, support bracket)
- Window grille crescent lock replace
- Window glass replacement
- Sliding window roller replace
- Sliding window crescent lock replace
- Toilet window naco louvre control replace/modify
- Replace casement window screws to stainless screw/rivet (retrofitting form B1)
- Install sliding window safety angle strips/stopper (retrofitting form B1)
- Metal gate bolt replace
- Sliding door roller replace
- Window checking & certification for HDB flat selling
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