Kler Transport

Kler Transport
Kler Transport
Image: Kler Transport
  • Fleets
    40-seater minibuses/minivans
  • Booking Methods
    Online, Email, Hotline
  • Payment Modes
    Paypal, Credit cards
  • Transfer to Malaysia
    Johor Bahru, Malacca, and other parts of peninsula Malaysia
  • Phone
    +65 9389 2844
  • Website
  • Email
  • WhatsApp
    Chat on WhatsApp
  • For years, Kler Transport has been known as a reputable transport company that offers easy, fast and affordable service to a variety of clientele. With brand-new, well-maintained fleets and trained English-speaking chauffeurs, Kler Transport is incredibly professional and comfortable.

    Available 24-7, Kler Transport is dedicated to providing quality service, no matter what time it is. They also cater for last-minute requests, up to three hours before the requested time.

    This company is among the transfer services chosen by those with the need to travel to Malaysia’s finest discount outlets.


    • 9 to 13-seater: $50 per transfer
    • 23-seater: $90 per transfer
    • 40 to 44-seater: $120 per transfer
    • Airport arrival (13-seater): $60 per transfer

    NOTES: Additional midnight surcharge of $10 applies from 23:00 – 07:00

    CANCELLATION TERMS: The first amendment will be free of charge, with subsequent changes incurring an amendment fee of $50 per amendment, in addition to the cost of any extra services requested.

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