Leong Kee (Klang) Bak Kut Teh

Leong Kee (Klang) Bak Kut Teh
Leong Kee (Klang) Bak Kut Teh
  • Best for
    Herbal bak kut teh
  • Address
    251 Geylang Road, Singapore 389309
  • Phone
    +65 9380 1718
  • Opening hours
    Daily from 11:00 to 01:00
  • Leong Kee Bak Kut Teh is one of a few bak kut teh places in Singapore that offer this dish in Klang style – a very popular bak kut teh style in Malaysia. Leong Kee has established a loyal following for its delicious and herbal rich bak kut teh at its two outlets on Beach Road and Geylang Street. But the shop now can only be found at Geylang Street.


    • Best herbal style bak kut teh in Singapore: Leong Kee Bak Kut Teh is a find for those who love Malaysian-style bak kut teh. Leong Kee’s soup is rich in herbal flavours, thick in texture and cloudy in colour. The bak kut teh is always served piping hot in clay pot with generous amounts of pork ribs, vegetables and bean curd skin. Add some fresh minced garlic into your soup to bring out all the best from your bowl.
    • Outstanding stewed pork leg: It is simply pig trotter dish, but it is cooked in a different style, leaving the dish tender, sweet and sticky when it is displayed on your table.
    • Located at Geylang – one of the most vibrant areas at night and open till 01:00: If the temperature cools down in the midnight, a hot bowl of bak kut the is ideal for those who enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of nightlife at the area.

    PORK RIBS: The pork ribs in each bowl of Leong Kee’s bak kut teh are awesome, the tender and flavorful meat almost falls off the bone.

    SIDE DISHES: Choices for side dishes are limited, you can only find fresh vegetable, stewed egg, salted vegetable, stewed peanuts, tau pok and you tiao there. The prices are reasonable as most of the side dishes cost less than one Singapore dollar.


    • If you prefer mixing intestines with pork ribs in one bowl, you can have it at the same price as the standard bowl of pork rib bak kut teh.
    • Herbal chicken and herbal mutton are available for those who do not enjoy pork.


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