Song Fa Bak Kut Teh

Song Fa Bak Kut Teh
Song Fa Bak Kut Teh
Image: Song Fa Bak Kut Teh
  • Best for
    Bak kut teh right in the city
  • Address
    11 New Bridge Road #01-01, Singapore 059383
  • Phone
    +65 6533 6128
  • Opening hours
    Tue – Sun: 07:00 - 21:30
    Closed on Mondays
  • Song Fa Bak Kut Teh has made it a brand for its Teochew-style bak kut teh, widely recognized by locals and international tourists. With two outlets located nearby on New Bridge Road, Song Fa is a smart choice when you prefer a central location eatery.


    • Bak kut teh in central location: Conveniently located near Clarke Quay MRT station, Song Fa Bak Kut Teh is the ideal option for people around who want to have a good bowl of bak kut teh to boost energy.
    • Reasonable prices: A bowl of standard pork rib soup is priced at S$6.50. It satisfies diners with its three meaty pork ribs in the flavorful peppery soup. With around S$10, you can always have a comfortable meal at Song Fa.
    • Quick service: Diners will certainly be attended right after being seated and foods will be served in a couple of minutes after the order. The waiters regularly refill your bowl with hot soup is a good mark for this bak kut teh place.

    BAK KUT TEH SOUP: Like most of its counterparts in Singapore, Song Fa commits to serve Teochew-style bak kut teh soup to its diners and the peppery level is mild, so it might be just nice for Western palates.

    SIDE DISHES: Nuts and greens are offered as side dishes to balance your meal. Most of the vegetable dishes are prepared in the way that vegetables are blanched and tossed with sesame oil, soy sauce, and diced garlic.


    • Premium loin ribs
    • Pig’s stomach soup
    • Pig’s liver soup
    • Braised pig’s intestine

    TEA: Song Fa Bak Kut Teh offers a selection of Chinese Tea from Pek Sin Choon. At Song Fa Bak Kut Teh, you can order a pot of tea to complement your bak kut teh and experience a bit of the Chinese old day’s practice in a bak kut teh place by boiling the water yourself to refill your teapot.


    • Payment is made right after the food is served so if you don’t want the wet tissues (40 cents each) provided at your table, decline it when placing order.
    • If you come alone at peak hours, you may be asked to share the table with others.


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