10 Reasons Why We Should Care for Our Elders

Why We Should Care for Our Elders
Why We Should Care for Our Elders

As our loved ones get older, it might be overwhelming to think of the care they might require. Eldercare is costly in more ways than just money and being a caregiver is not an easy job so it’s understandable if you are hesitant to take up the responsibility.

However, hopefully, these reasons may convince you to invest in your loved one’s care – whether it’s by being a caregiver yourself or finding them the right care options to ensure their quality of life.

Why should we care for our elders? Simply put, they need you.

They require a higher quality of life

AS they age, our loved ones need more care and attention. There are some things they might not be able to do any more such as cook food or clean the house and they would need someone to turn to and ask for help.   

They need a sense of belonging

Sadly, loneliness is common for the elderly. They can become isolated in their homes and this makes not only makes them physically weaker but also negatively impacts their mental health. A sense of community is essential for their well-being and being near the people they love can make them feel like they belong.

They need a sense of purpose

Our elderly loved ones need to have a sense of purpose to look forward to each new day. If they didn’t have enough time before, now they can enjoy their hobbies or interests in their silver years. They will need your support, whether it’s accompanying them to events or their favourite places over the weekend. Even simple things such as words of encouragement and showing interest in their daily lives will make them feel like they are doing something worthwhile.

They are more prone to illnesses

Growing old also means they are more prone to diseases or even injury. They need someone to care for them when they get sick and keep an eye on them to make sure they don’t hurt themselves. Seniors who are fall-risk or have chronic conditions should have a caregiver to watch over them.

They need peace of mind

One of the worries of growing old is fearing that no one will take care of you. Having family and loved ones who continue to stay by their side and look out for their needs and well-being will relieve them of this worry.  

It may be a given that your loved ones need your help as they grow older. But guess what, you need them too.

They can teach you values and life lessons

With age comes wisdom and your loved ones have life-long luggage full of it. Their knowledge of life can provide you with comfort, especially in uncertainty. It would be best to soak it all in. You can apply lessons in your life and mistakes you can avoid. You can also ask them for advice on your current as they are sure to have experienced something similar at one point or another.

It’s a chance to spend time with them

Time is precious. With your loved ones growing old, each day becomes another chance to spend time with them. It’s a chance to hear from them the stories of their life that you’ll no doubt find yourself repeating to the younger generation once they pass on. 

It’s a chance to develop a deeper relationship

As we grow older, relationships change. Now it is them who depend on you for help and support when once upon a time, it was the other way around. This opens up a new level of trust and companionship as well as an opportunity to give back the love and support you’ve received. 

Being a caregiver gives you perspective

Providing care for someone else gives you a different perspective in life through their stories and life lessons. But it reminds you that life is a cycle, that eventually it will be your turn to reach out for someone to help. Gaining this new perspective will give you a new appreciation of life, people and time. 

They are your parents

Although some may find it uncomfortable to call it an obligation, a child must care for their elderly parents. Even if you cannot be their caregiver, it is your job to ensure they have access to the best elder care center for their needs. Because no matter what, they are still your family and like family, you take turns depending on each other.


It may be daunting to think of caring for elderly parents. But there are many eldercare options that can support you in providing quality care for your loved ones. When it comes to elderly care, your seniors should have a say too. Sit them down and have an open and honest conversation about fears, worries, and future care options. This will ensure that you’ll make the best decision to benefit you and your loved ones.

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